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Operation Light Within - Two Sleeps Until I Run Tough Mudder Blindfolded


That’s pretty much the first question I get.

Here’s how this all started…

A few years ago I started coming up with one word at the beginning of the year, that would reflect my mission for that year. Some of my past words were “explore”, “create”, and “trust’. [Read more here.]

My word for 2014 is “LIGHT”.

Light. Fire. Torch. Energy.

It’s about finding the light within myself, and especially, within others. My 2014 is about helping others to find their light.

From teaching yoga to coaching to writing to becoming one of the guides to Rhonda, a visually impaired ultra runner, who is currently running from Tobermory to Niagara Fall in an attempt to become the first disabled athlete to run the entire length of Bruce Trail (880+ km).

In line with the year’s theme, I launched Operation Light Within – a charity initiative to raise awareness for athletes with disabilities.

It’s a fundraiser with a twist. Coz that’s how I roll.

  • Part 1. On Saturday, August 16th, 2014, I will run Tough Mudder Toronto blindfolded. This will be a practice run as I will aim to learn from my guides what kind of verbal instructions are necessary and most helpful.

  • Part 2. I will guide Rhonda, a visually impaired ultra runner, in her own first Tough Mudder (New Jersey) in October. All other athletes are welcome to run on the team. If you are an athlete with disability and require a guide or assistance, just give me a holler, and I’ll hook you up.

The charity I chose as a beneficiary is Achilles International. They are an organization whose mandate it is to “enable people with all types of disabilities to participate in mainstream athletics”.


1. Share this.

Think this is all kinds of cool and awesome? Me too. Please tell your friends, send them this link and spread the word. If you are running Tough Mudder Toronto, and see me on course, holler! If you hear others wondering what the heck is going on, tell them more.

2. Run with us in NJ.

Save the date! Team Operation Light Within will run Tough Mudder Tri-State (NJ) on Saturday, October 11th. We’d love to have you.

3. Donate.

GoFundMe campaign for Operation Light Within has been set up, and I would appreciate your help. I would like to make a donation of at least $1,000 to Achilles International, an organization that works with disabled athletes. [Why a $1,000? It’s a bucket list item. :)]

I am currently arranging free registrations for Rhonda and the guides for the October event, however, I am looking for any financial contributions to help with gas, hotel and food expenses for the team. This is something I’d normally cover out of pocket for myself, however, having a number of people involved makes this a bit more costly.

Follow this adventure on my FB athlete page and on Twitter @k_solovieva. #operationlightwithin

Lit within, Solo

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